Our industry thrives on constant innovation. Passionate professionals continuously push the boundaries to deliver exceptional experiences. However, what many fail to realize is that in the rush to rise to the occasion, they are leaving stakeholders scrambling behind the scenes to meet the demands of the day with little time to focus on the future.
One of my favorite things about this industry is the passion behind the people. We have so many industry leaders who are busting at the seams with innovative ideas and dreams of bringing their businesses to new levels. The reality is, from sales to operations to HR to customer service, it never stops. It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day and lose sight of long-term goals. That’s where I step in to help leaders run on EOS, and get everything they want from their business and life.
EOS Gets You “Unstuck”
With more and more industry leaders recognizing the importance of working “on” the business rather than feeling stuck “in” the business, EOS has steadily become a popularized operating system within the industry. EOS isn’t a computer operating system, but a people operating system that harnesses human energy through a simple set of tools and principles.
With the EOS-proven process, I help leadership teams see their business in a whole new light and show them how to execute using a set of simple tools and principles. You’re able to solve issues before they become problems, get the right people in the right seats, make meetings so productive that you actually look forward to them, and build a culture of accountability.
Running on EOS has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs and leadership teams around the world address the six key aspects of their businesses by getting better at three things: Vision, Traction, and Health. Vision is about getting everyone 100% on the same page with where the organization is going and how it’s going to get there. Traction is about helping your leaders become more disciplined and accountable so they can achieve every part of the Vision. Healthy means creating a functional, cohesive team that enjoys working together.
Solving Problems at Their Root
“Whether in business or life, I believe in getting to the true root cause of an issue, not just treating the symptoms. When implementing EOS, I am also holding leaders accountable for being open and honest with one another, bringing the team to a deeper level to overcome foundational issues that are preventing them from solving issues and seeing results.”
Having seen both sides of EOS — as a stakeholder first and now an implementer — I have experienced poor communication as a common hurdle in the CI industry. EOS opens up dialog, encouraging teams to address issues openly, honestly, and collaboratively.

Noah Kaplan, co-founder and president of Leon, describes EOS as essential for success. “Entrepreneurial businesses need a ‘Sherpa’ to keep them on course as they work toward their goals,” Kaplan says. Since applying its guiding principles of EOS across the organization more than a decade ago, Leon has established a remarkable presence in the industry and follows a structured path toward a unified end goal — audio that blends technology with art. With the help of EOS, they’ve been able to accomplish this without missing a beat on the business front. “We’ve grown our company tenfold across products, staff, and revenue,” Kaplan adds.
Building Cohesive and Healthy Teams
The benefits of EOS aren’t limited to manufacturers. Integrators often find business processes taking a back seat to their technical skills. This was the case for Admit One Home Systems, which implemented EOS in early 2024 after 20 years of business.
“There was a learning curve and some skepticism,” says Kristin Reinitz, general manager and co-owner of Admit One Home Systems in Edina, Minn. “But the improvements have been significant. Communication is better, decisions are made faster, and everyone is contributing to our goals.” A recent showroom update illustrates this impact: Instead of executives making all the decisions, the sales team led the project, budgeting and prioritizing updates based on their daily needs. “They were engaged and enthusiastic,” adds Reinitz, “and their insights led to more informed choices.”
When an organization is running on EOS, everyone is working toward the same goal, team members know exactly how they contribute to the Vision, and they are usually having more fun.
EOS is designed for industries, organizations, and teams of all shapes and sizes to achieve rapid growth and a more balanced life. In today’s fast-paced world, EOS provides a structured path for companies to not only lead with innovation but to drive forward with purpose. EOS is a proven business operating system that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world break through ceilings to achieve personal and business growth. EOS provides results regardless of current size or tenure, making it a compelling consideration for any entrepreneur invested in intentional growth.
For more information about EOS and learn how it might benefit your company, reach out to Haley Patterson by emailing haley.patterson@eosworldwide.com.